Friday, August 8, 2008

Shopping may be fun again in California

The Court of Appeal of California has overruled a lower court's decision about having racks so close together that a wheelchair can't get through.

Most people who use wheelchairs and enjoy shopping understand the challenges. Racks that are too close together to get through (and I don't just mean you have to go the long way around, I'm talking entire sections of stores that are inaccessible). Merchandise that is too high (and no one around to help). Dressing rooms that are too small to fit the wheelchair, never mind trying to change. And those tags that are just the right height to scratch the living daylights out of my arms. Okay, that last one is probably pretty minor, but it's really hard to explain to other people the next day.

Well, in California, someone has finally recognized that this likely violates the ADA. It doesn't matter if the racks are moveable, because the are still in the way. They still prevent people from reaching the clothes.

Now, the lower court recognized that as a problem. They gave the chain an out because they reasoned that if they had to make it accessible then they wouldn't be able to put as much stock out and they would lose money. Of course, every other store that must operate under the ADA has that same problem, so it isn't like this would be putting them at a disadvantage. It would just be leveling the playing field.

Hopefully this ruling will hold up, and stores will start paying attention to the fact that people in wheelchairs shop too!

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