Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Higher" Education

I know, I'm on a news kick these days. But the stories are a reminder of how far we still have to go. And sadly, I've heard too many people argue that people with disabilities aren't discriminated against anymore. So let these news stories prove my point to all those who doubt.

Well, this one sounds far too familiar. I remember having these arguments with my University. Thankfully, it wasn't over the only bathroom in the student union building, but still.

So let's look at the arguments...
1) she didn't need the wheelchair, because she could walk, so she wasn't disabled enough to qualify
This just proves that the ADA needs to be clarified when it comes to defining who qualifies. I can't think of a single reason that she wouldn't be "considered a person with a disability". She qualifies, and arguing that is just pathetic.

2) There wasn't enough money.
It's one bathroom. And it's been seven years since this incident, and the ONLY bathroom still isn't accessible. Nope, not buying that one. I'm sensitive to the limited budgets of universities, but I won't buy that there wasn't money to renovate one bathroom.

3) Classrooms were the priority.
Okay, except that the union building had the two major cafeterias in it. And many of the school's offices. So it's not like a person with a wheelchair could just avoid the whole building. And there's something I remember from my school days. Some buildings weren't accessible (and weren't required to be because of age). We handled it by moving my classes to accessible rooms/buildings. Sure, it probably inconvenienced a few profs who actually had to emerge from their buildings, but it meant that I could go to classes. Why doesn't this university try that. Then they might have the money to renovate the bathroom.

Such a sad argument that this university is making.

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