Thursday, August 7, 2008

A sad day when you find a way around the ADA

Well, the state of Wisconsin has decided to offer a variance to an accessibility law.

Basically, the state is allowing a developer of an apartment complex to have a 4 inch drop between the apartment and the balcony. It does say that "However, a person with a physical disability recognized by federal authorities, such as someone in a wheelchair, can ask the developer to rip out the old door and install a new one that is nearly flush with the floors, removing any accessibility concerns." Great, that should encourage the developer to sell to someone with a disability. Let's add more reasons for them to discriminate. Oh, and what if the original owner sells it? Will the developer come back and change out the doors if the new owner needs accessibility?

This is a sad thing. The ADA has been in effect for 18 years, there really is no excuse at this point. That the state has decided to overrule this important legislation is highly telling of both the state, and the protections that the ADA/FHA actually provide.

Yet one more apartment building that won't work for a person using a wheelchair.

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