Saturday, May 31, 2008

Child voted out of class

So, I ran into this article the other day. And it took a day to write this without wanting to throw the laptop across the room.

A teacher actually had a child (who was being tested for a disability and is now diagnosed on the autism spectrum) stand in front of the room while the other children were instructed to tell him why they didn't like him. Then they voted on whether or not to allow him to stay in class. The excuse is that they were learning about voting.

This poor child is traumatized by this and now cries if he is in the car when dropping his siblings off to school (personally I would have pulled all the children out). Sadly, the police seem to not understand the laws in Florida. Section 39.01(2) of the law states that
"Abuse" means any willful act or threatened act that results in any physical, mental, or sexual injury or harm that causes or is likely to cause the child's physical, mental, or emotional health to be significantly impaired. Abuse of a child includes acts or omissions.
It seems hard to argue that this was not abuse.

Let's ignore the fact that the child has a disability, because while it only makes it worse, I'm not really sure how it's relevant. A child was made to listen to why people didn't like him! What adult could face that without being upset. And children are cruel to those who are different.

The teacher claims that she was trying to teach him why his peers didn't like him in the hopes of changing his behavior. And in fairness, many children with autism need help picking up on social cues. But do it privately, not in front of a class, and you certainly don't encourage children to participate. I just can't imagine what this teacher was thinking.

Some people have stated that this is why children with disabilities shouldn't be in "regular" classrooms. Because the teachers aren't trained to handle them. Except that you wouldn't do this with any child. And if you snap without warning, then you shouldn't be a teacher. I know how hard it can be to handle certain children with disabilities, but why not request more help in the classroom if you can't handle it. If you are afraid that you will stoop to humiliating a child then take a leave of absence. Be responsible and get yourself out before you abuse a child.

To read the original incident report go to:

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