Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Are you prejudiced?

This is one of those tough questions to answer. Because the answer isn't about what you do or act on, but what goes on in your heart and mind.

Here's a series of interesting tests: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/takeatest.html

I highly recommend people try them, but be aware that finding out that it's easier for you to associate the categories "good" and "bad" with groups of people can be tough.

Actually, it's easier for me to associate "good" with people with disabilities, but only very slightly. I blame this entirely on the other people with disabilities in my life, both in real life and online. I thank each and everyone of them for helping me to overcome the initial self-hatred I had to struggle against when I realized that my disability would be permanent.

Uncovering our own prejudice is never easy or comfortable, but I find it enlightening, and it creates a starting point for developing a better person.

Give it a try!

1 comment:

Roia said...

Hm, that was interesting. I was surprised by my results on one of the tests but not the other. Thanks for posting the link. I had heard about the tests, and they are a bit blinding, but it is certainly somewhat illuminating. As much as I'd like to think I could be not prejudiced at all, I think it's likely that we all are to some degree or another.