Friday, September 5, 2008

A victory!

So, I was reading my way through the articles that the Google News Alert had dragged up for me, and I came across one that really caught my attention. ( most people who use a wheelchair and fly, I've had my share of problems. Rarely do I have an uneventful trip. Co-workers traveling with me are often amazed at the challenges I have to deal with. Now, no one has ever denied that the Air Carriers Access Act provides some guidance to airlines. The problem is that when it is violated your only option for resolution is to file a complaint. Enough complaints, and the government will start issuing fines. While that does seem to keep the worst of the violations at bay, it isn't sufficient.

Now, a federal judge has ruled that the ADA applies to airlines. I don't know that this won't be overturned eventually. But what this means is that for the first time, if an airline completely screws up, and refuses to fix the problem, you can actually sue them yourself and not rely on the government to handle it.

For those of you without disabilities, you may be thinking about how awful it is and that lawsuits are already rampant, but I do think that the threat of a lawsuit is likely to improve the services that airlines offer.

Friendly skies, maybe not, but maybe they'll be a little more accessible after this.

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